Q. Why was the Marine Corps Veterans Association founded?
A. The organization’s mission is to provide recognition, honor, aid and assistance to all Marines and Corpsmen, and their families, as well as assisting, providing recognition and honoring other members of the Armed Forces of the United States, and their families, as a patriotic mission to benefit active duty members, as well as veterans, of the Armed Forces.
Q. Is the MCVA properly registered as a nonprofit organization with all federal and state agencies asrequired by law?
A. Yes, we are registered as a nonprofit, 501(c)(19) war veterans’ organization in California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, Oregon and New York. Our Internal Revenue Service Employee Identification Number in California is 36-4601300. Our registration number as a California nonprofit corporation is C2979541.
Q. Are donations to the Marine Corps Veterans Association tax deductible to the donor?
A. Yes. However, you should check with your tax advisor to determine the amount which is deductible in your specific case.
Q. What are the requirements and types of membership in the Marine Corps Veterans Association?
A. The MCVA has both regular and associate memberships. Regular membership is open to Marines and Navy Corpsmen who served with Fleet Marine Force. These members must have served a minimum of 90 days of active service. Associate Membership is open to individuals who did not serve with the Marine Corps or as a Corpsman, but support the principles and purposes of the MCVA.
Q. What about dues?
A. First year dues for regular members is $25. Annual dues after the first year are $25. Annual dues for associate members
are $25.
© 2019 by the Marine Corps Veterans Association • Photos courtesy of USMC